Tuesday, 29 July 2014


It was an eyesaw on Independence Day when a kia car with registration number Gs 4658 9 fell into the Nkumkum river at Agona Kwanyako located in the central region. The car which was heading towards Agona Swedru with loads of tiles fell into the Nkumkum River when he gave way to an overtaking car.

The driver of the car was taken out of the river at exactly 5:30am but the mate suffered a serious crisis as he stayed in the River for as long as 3 hours because he was chocked in the car. Residents tried their best to bring the driver’s mate out but to no avail. The police came in with an ambulance to save the situation but was also to no avail. Finally a towing car was brought in to lift the car and save the driver’s mate but as they lifted the car the mate shouted with immense pain. The situation was brought under control when residents cut parts of the car with cutlasses and axes. Finally the mate was taken out alive and sent to the Agona Swedru hospital.  After the incident, authorities have failed to repair he brige despite the state it finds itself. Are waiting till another disastrous incident happens before the bridge is repaired???

Source: Philemon Buabeng

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